Frequently asked questions
How can I View all Student related Information Such as obtaing various documents,Exam Time Table,Online results, etc
How can I get Duplicate Statement of Marks ?
How can I get Duplicate Passing Certificate?
How can I get Merit/Rank Certificate?
How can I get Duplicate Admit Card?
How can I get Degree Certificate?
How can I get Degree Certificate?
How can I get Duplicate Degree Certificate?
How can I get Urgent Degree Certificate (Special)?
How can I get Transcript Certificate?
How can I get Migration Certificate?
How can I Verified my Statement of Marks/Degree Certificate/Passing Certificate?
How can I Apply for Verification of Answer books?
How can I Apply for Verification with Photo/Xerox copy of Answer books?
How can I Apply for Challenge to Valuation of Answer books?
FAQ Regarding Preparation of Various Reports from DU Portal
For Student Helpline / Various Exam Time Table/ Online Results/ Online Syllabus / Redressal Verification Result